Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and easy to cultivate. Learn how to grow your own.
In many parts of the US, blueberries are a dream crop for home gardeners. In addition to producing big, plump, juicy fruit that is packed with antioxidants, they have few pests or diseases. They also grow in acidic soil where other plants might struggle to survive.
If you’ve ever wanted to cultivate your own blueberries, this guide is the perfect starting point. We’ll walk you through the essential steps to successfully grow blueberries, even if you’re new to gardening.
Selecting the right berry varieties
Highbush vs. lowbush varieties
Before planting blueberries, it’s important to understand the two main types of blueberry plants. Highbush blueberry varieties are larger and more commonly grown. They produce bigger berries and can reach up to 6 feet in height and typically do well in zones 3-8. Lowbush varieties are sweeter, more compact, and spread through underground stems. Thriving in zones 2-8, they are well-suited for smaller spaces and colder climates, including the Northeastern US.

Lowbush blueberries (left) are generally smaller and sweeter. Highbush blueberries (right) tend to produce larger berries on plants reaching about 6′ tall.
When selecting blueberry varieties, consider the climate of your region. Blueberry varieties will usually indicate their preferred growing zones on the label or in the plant description (if ordering online). To extend your harvest season and enjoy blueberries for a longer period, consider planting a mix of early, mid-season, and late-season varieties. This way, you’ll have a continuous supply of fresh berries throughout the growing season.
Related: What is Your Growing Zone and How Do You Find It?
Beginner-friendly blueberry varieties
If you’re new to blueberry cultivation, it’s wise to start with varieties that are known to be beginner-friendly. These varieties are forgiving in terms of soil conditions, climate variations, and maintenance requirements. Some popular options for beginners include Bluecrop, Duke, Patriot, Perpetua, and Northland. For the best pollination, plant a minimum of two blueberry varieties, but more is better.
Preparing your soil
First things first: scout out a good location for your blueberries. They’re sun lovers, so look for a spot that gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day. Aim for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. You’ll also want to make sure your site has excellent drainage, since blueberries dislike having ‘wet feet.’ If your soil tends to hold too much water, consider creating raised beds to improve drainage and prevent root rot.
Soil matters
Blueberries like their soil on the acidic side, with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5. Test your soil to see if it falls within this range using a home soil test kit. To perform this test, take a soil sample from the area where you plan to grow your blueberries. You want to get a good mix of soil from different spots in that area, about 6-8 inches deep. Use a trowel or a soil auger if you’re feeling fancy.
If your soil’s pH falls within the 4.5 to 5.5 range, fantastic! Your blueberries will be content. If it’s too high (more alkaline), you’ll need to make it more acidic.

Since blueberries prefer acidic soil, it’s wise to use a soil test kit to gauge how much you’ll need to adjust your soil to help blueberry plants thrive. A good kit will also measure nutrients.
Adjusting pH levels
Lowering pH can be achieved by incorporating substances like sulfur or pine needles into the soil. Oak leaves are another natural source, though these will take time to decompose. You won’t likely need to raise your pH, since blueberries prefer acidic soil.
After implementing pH adjustments, give your soil some time to stabilize. Re-test the pH after a few months to confirm that it’s within the desired range. This patient approach ensures a conducive environment for your blueberries to flourish. Regularly test your soil to monitor pH levels, guaranteeing that your blueberries continue to receive the optimal conditions for growth and productivity.
Planting your blueberries
Clear the area of weeds and grasses before planting. Blueberries don’t like competing for nutrients and water, so a weed-free zone is best. Commercial growers will often leave grass or another ground cover between rows, but it’s best to clear the planting row completely.
To give your blueberries enough room to spread their roots, space your plants about 4 to 5 feet apart, both between rows and within the rows. Your planting holes should be twice as wide as the root ball of your blueberry plant and just deep enough so the top of the root ball is level with the ground.
While backfilling the hole, mix in some peat moss or compost to help maintain that acidic soil blueberries love. This will also improve the soil structure and provide your plants with essential nutrients.
After planting, give your blueberries a good drink of water to settle the soil and help the roots establish themselves. Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during the first year.

Harvest your berries when dusky blue with no trace of pink. Photo by Farsai Chaikulngamdee.
Harvesting techniques
Blueberries are ready for picking when they turn deep dusky blue with little to no pink remaining. They should easily come off the stem with a gentle tug. Some people opt for a blueberry ‘rake’ if harvesting lowbush blueberries, which tend to be smaller and harder to gather. Either way, enjoy your freshly picked blueberries immediately or store them in the fridge for later eating.
Blueberry plant care and maintenance
Caring for your blueberry plants includes a number of easy steps. We find applying these steps regularly throughout the season ensures a healthy and productive crop.
- Watering: Blueberries appreciate consistent moisture, especially during their establishment period. Aim to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Mulching around the plants can help retain moisture and reduce weed competition.
- Fertilizing: Like any plant, blueberries have specific nutrient needs. As noted above, consider conducting a soil test to understand which nutrients might be lacking in your soil. Use a balanced complete fertilizer with higher acidity to cater to their preferences, or select individual components for a more targeted feeding. We like greensand for its slow release of potassium, rock phosphate for slow-releasing phosphorous, and alfalfa meal for nitrogen. Apply the fertilizer in early spring before new growth begins.
- Pest and disease management: While blueberries have few pests, keep a watchful eye for birds that might target your blueberries. If they become a problem, implement integrated pest management strategies like introducing physical barriers (or plant more berries). Monitor for ‘mummy berry’, a rare but serious fungus that can devastate blueberry crops. Controls include cleaning all fallen fruit from beneath plants and mulching after harvest to prevent spread.
- Winter care: Whether your blueberries show signs of disease or not, it’s a good practice to apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants after the growing season. This helps insulate the roots and prevent frost damage.
Related: The Best Mulch for Raised Garden Beds
Pruning: Shaping and enhancing plant growth
Proper pruning helps stimulate new growth, increase air circulation, and optimize fruit production. Here are a few types of pruning to be familiar with:
- Rejuvenation pruning: Every few years, remove the oldest and most unproductive canes at the base of the plant. This encourages new growth and prolongs the plant’s productive life.
- Thinning: Regularly thin out overcrowded branches to allow sunlight and air to reach all parts of the plant. This promotes even berry ripening and reduces the risk of disease.
- Shaping: Shape your blueberry plants by trimming any branches that are growing erratically or crossing each other. This helps maintain an open and organized growth pattern.
The best time to prune blueberries is during the dormant season, usually in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Pruning during this period minimizes stress on the plant and maximizes the potential for new growth.
Pruning techniques
When you prune, make clean cuts just above a healthy bud or lateral branch. Avoid leaving stubs, as they can invite disease. Use sharp pruning shears or loppers for cleaner cuts and to minimize plant stress.
Young vs. mature plants
Pruning practices differ for young and mature blueberry plants. Young plants should be pruned more lightly to encourage strong root and canopy development. For mature plants, focus on removing older wood and maintaining a balanced structure. Blueberries produce fruit on branches that are 2 to 3 years old. By consistently removing older canes and encouraging new growth, you’ll ensure a steady supply of productive branches.
Continuous learning
Growing blueberries, like gardening in general, is an ongoing learning experience. Watch how your plants respond to your care routine, weather conditions, and soil amendments. Adjust your approach based on these observations and continue to educate yourself about blueberry cultivation. You’ll be rewarded with healthy plants and a bountiful harvest of delicious blueberries year after year.